
Effectgerichte maatregelen tegen fosfaatuitspoeling uit landbouwgronden : Effecten van maatregelen ter vermindering van de fosfaatuitspoeling uit landbouwgronden met een slechte kwaliteit van oppervlaktewater vanwege fosfaat

Rietra, R.P.J.J.; Schipper, P.N.M.; Kroonen-Backbier, B.M.A.


In the Dutch sandy areas, there are many streams where high phosphate levels occur due to surface runoff and leaching from agricultural lands which impede good water quality. There is a need to understand which measures are effective in reducing phosphorus runoff and leaching. Field and laboratory experiments have been conducted to assess the contribution of surface runoff, the occurrence of local hot-spots and effects of liming. This has provided new insights into the phosphorus loading from surface runoff and into measures that may be effective in reducing leaching and runoff.