
Prebiotic oligosaccharides in early life alter gut microbiome development in male mice while supporting influenza vaccination responses

van den Elsen, L.W.J.; Tims, S.; Jones, A.M.; Stewart, A.; Stahl, B.; Garssen, J.; Knol, J.; Forbes-Blom, E.E.; van’t Land, B.


Beneficial modulation of the gut microbiota is an attractive therapeutic approach to improve the efficacy of vaccine-induced immunity. In this study, mice were supplemented with the prebiotic milk oligosaccharide 2’-fucosyllactose (2’FL) as well as a complex mixture of immune modulatory prebiotic short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides and long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS) from different stages in early life. Adult mice were vaccinated with trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV) and both development of the gut microbiota and antibody-mediated vaccine responses were followed over time. Within the control group, female mice demonstrated a larger antibody response to TIV vaccination than male mice, which was accompanied by enhanced cytokine production by splenocytes and a higher percentage of plasma cells in skin draining lymph nodes. In addition, the prebiotic diet improved vaccine-specific antibody responses in male mice. Introduction of prebiotics into the diet modulated the gut microbiota composition and at the genus level several bacterial groups showed a significant interaction effect which potentially contributed to the immunological effects observed. This study provides insight in the effect of scGOS/lcFOS/2’FL in influenza vaccination antibody production.