Vogelmijt, wat weten we? : Handvatten voor aanpak van vogelmijtproblemen op legpluimveebedrijven
Mul, Monique; van Weeghel, Ellen
The poultry red mite is the most common ectoparasite in poultry, causing damage worldwide, both financially as well as in terms of animal welfare and health. This report presents (in Dutch) current insights in the red mite itself, its functioning and behaviour, the influence of biotic an abiotic factors determining survival and reproduction of the mite, as well as the financial losses incurred by poultry red mite populations in a laying hen house. Next, both preventive and curative measures are described, as well as ways to suppress populations. Finally, the needs of the poultry red mite itself, and the specific requirements for living and survival of (a population of) mites are elaborated. These needs and requirements can be used to develop strategies to prevent their growth.