
Predictability of abrupt shifts in dryland ecosystem functioning

Bernardino, Paulo N.; De Keersmaecker, Wanda; Horion, Stéphanie; Oehmcke, Stefan; Gieseke, Fabian; Fensholt, Rasmus; Van De Kerchove, Ruben; Lhermitte, Stef; Abel, Christin; Van Meerbeek, Koenraad; Verbesselt, Jan; Somers, Ben


Climate change and human-induced land degradation threaten dryland ecosystems, vital to one-third of the global population and pivotal to inter-annual global carbon fluxes. Early warning systems are essential for guiding conservation, climate change mitigation and alleviating food insecurity in drylands. However, contemporary methods fail to provide large-scale early warnings effectively. Here we show that a machine learning-based approach can predict the probability of abrupt shifts in Sudano–Sahelian dryland vegetation functioning (75.1% accuracy; 76.6% precision) particularly where measures of resilience (temporal autocorrelation) are supplemented with proxies for vegetation and rainfall dynamics and other environmental factors. Regional-scale predictions for 2025 highlight a belt in the south of the study region with high probabilities of future shifts, largely linked to long-term rainfall trends. Our approach can provide valuable support for the conservation and sustainable use of dryland ecosystem services, particularly in the context of climate change projected drying trends.