
Reflectie voor en door dierenartsen : Het belang van goede zelfreflectie (methoden) voor dierenartsen bij het antibioticum-voorschrijfgedrag: een inventarisatie

van Dixhoorn, Ingrid; Luiken, Roosemarijn; de Lauwere, Carolien; van Bijnen-Hendrikx, Lysanne; Vollebregt, Tara


Previous research on antibiotic prescription behaviour by veterinarians led to the recommendation that veterinarians should better reflect on their own prescription behaviour so that variation in antibiotic use reduces and refines. This raised the question of which reflection methods are most suitable. Interviews with relevant parties emphasized the usefulness of (further improving) current reflection practices, and what is needed for self-reflection within the veterinary sector. Findings from this survey showed willingness among veterinarians for more reflection and highlighted the importance of a safe environment and clear communication. It is recommended to increase knowledge about reflection, provide good information, and consult experts. Reflection can contribute to improved quality and responsible antibiotic prescription behaviour in the future.