Developing the Nature Futures Framework scale: Understanding different perspectives on the value of nature
Smith, Angus; Buijs, Arjen
We don’t all relate to or value nature in the same way. Opinions can differ on why nature is important or valuable to us.
In this Green Shoots webinar, PhD candidate Angus Monro Smith from Wageningen University presented work on developing a psychometric scale which is intended to help operationalise the Nature Futures Framework in quantitative survey research.
Through this framework, developed with colleagues from Copenhagen University and the Germany Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), we will be able to understand different perspectives on nature, including: Does it simply have its own intrinsic value? Is it valuable for the services and goods it provides human beings? Is it valuable because it helps us to understand our place in the world, or shapes our way of life? Is it a mixture of the three?
It is expected that different perspectives on why nature is valuable, and what features of nature are a priority for the future will help to explain different attitudes towards rewilding, and potential preferences for different approaches to rewilding.