
Detection of food and feed plant products obtained by targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis

Sowa, Slawomir; Barbante, Alessandra; Broothaerts, W.; Burns, Malcolm; Debode, Frederic; De Giacomo, Marzia; de Loose, Marc; Demsar, Tina; Eckermann, Kolja; Fraiture, Marie Alice; Grantina-Levina, Lelde; Gurtler, Patrick; Mallet, Julie; Mazzara, Marco; Perri, Elena; Prins, T.W.; Roosens, Nancy; Savini, Christian; Trapmann, Stephanie; Weidner, Christopher; Zaoui, Xavier


The current EU legislation on GMOs and GM food and feed requires analytical testing to support traceability of these products on the market. The European Network of GMO Laboratories has reviewed the implications of the analytical requirements when they are applied to plant products developed with the use of new genomic techniques, i.e. targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis. This review concluded that analytical testing to support traceability is not considered feasible for all products obtained by targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis, both due to technical restrictions and because of implementation issues.