
Maaivelddynamiek door krimp-zwel en elastische vervormingen, case Rouveen

Bakema, Guido; Dik, Pim; Kool, Henk


In the Regiodeal Bodemdaling Groene Hart deals with the subsidence of ground level in relation to a fixed level such as NAP. This ground level has developed over decades because of processes in soft soil layers in the Holocene. However, over shorter periods, time series of changes in the height of ground level rarely show a simple downward trend. The height change is dynamic with periods of rise and fall, especially in areas with peat and/or clay near ground level, such as in the Groene Hart. In peat areas, this can involve movements of up to approximately 10 cm. In this study, a model was developed to calculate the dynamics of the ground level because of shrinkage/swelling and compaction/expansion. The first model design was tested using data from the NOBV site in Rouveen.