De gevolgen van de stikstofaanpak voor het natuurbeleid : Een voorlopige analyse van de gevolgen voor de decentralisatie naar provincies en de gebiedsgerichte uitvoering
Kuindersma, Wiebren; Kamphorst, Dana; Kistenkas, Fred
This report deals with the possible consequences of the structural approach to reducing nitrogen emissions for the implementation and evaluation of existing nature policy in the Netherlands. The main consequences are a partial recentralisation of nature policy, an increasing focus within nature policy on Natura 2000 objectives and consequences for the practicability of existing area-based processes. The provinces see possibilities for integrating nitrogen reduction policy, nature policy and other objectives at the area level. This will require flexibility in national nitrogen reduction and related policies and possibilities for area-based implementation of nitrogen reduction measures. The pressure to implement nitrogen reduction and nature restoration measures as quickly as possible is at odds with this integrated area-based approach. In some areas the nitrogen problem needs urgent action, which will require the use of more coercive measures such as land expropriation, statutory land reallocation and an active land policy (incl. the acquisition of land for exchange). For future reflexive evaluations of nature policy, we recommend integrated evaluations of nature and nitrogen reduction policy, with specific attention to practicability and synergy in area-based processes.