Verbrede blik op het voedselweb en ecologisch functioneren van de Nederlandse grote wateren : verkenning van de rol die het achterland speelt bij het ecologisch functioneren van het IJsselmeergebied aan de hand van stofstromen. Deel II, Pilotstudie kwantificering stofafgifte organische bronnen IJsselmeergebied
Verdonschot, R.C.M.
To be able to determine the effects of the development, utilization and management of the large lakes and rivers in the Netherlands on the ecosystems’ food web and ecological carrying capacity it is important to consider the relevant environmental factors and processes on the correct spatial scale. The transport of organic matter and nutrients across riparian ecotones is a major driver of lake and river ecosystem functioning. Knowledge on which external terrestrial habitat elements contribute to these fluxes from ecotones is important in the design of shoreline or riparian habitat restoration as well as their relative contribution in comparison to internal sources. Here the release of dissolved organic carbon and nutrients from a number of common sources of organic matter (reed, willow, pondweed, geese droppings) is investigated in the laboratory. There was considerable variation in release of organic matter between plant species in terms of amount, timing and duration of release, and availability for the microbial community. This means that it is important that different sources are available at the same time at a location to provide a diverse flux of matter which could contributed to the food web base. This means that in restoration heterogenous shoreline vegetation development should be stimulated, including the presence of willow forest.