European Forest Resource analysis tools
Since the Second World War European forest resources have expanded greatly, both in terms of area and timber volume. Many countries are now facing an aging forest, with high timber stocks and declining increment and carbon sinks, with a biodiversity being under pressure, while a changing climate calls for active adaptation. At the same time the public and policy makers have increasing and often conflicting expectations of what the forest should deliver in terms of e.g. wood production, biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration and recreation.

Figure 1: Carbon balance in living biomass for the Baseline and the CSF scenarios in the Russian district Karelia (Lerink et al., 2020). Positive values are emissions and negative values are removals of CO2.

The development of EFISCEN-Space model profited from numerous national and international projects including several Framework Programmes from the European Commission as well as the Horizon 2020 grant from Netherlands' Ministry of Research.
Additional funding and co-funding of the EU-projects was received from various projects under the Knowledge Base programmes of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Security.
Model’s manual
Climate-Smart Forestry in Russia and potential climate change mitigation benefits
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