RM (Renske) van Lonkhuijzen MSc

RM (Renske) van Lonkhuijzen MSc


Renske is a PhD researcher in the Health and Society group at Wageningen University and Research. After obtaining a Bachelor in Health and Society, she graduated cum laude from the Master degree Communication, Health and Life Sciences (specialization in Health and Society) from WUR.

Current research: Under the supervision of prof.dr.ir. Edith Feskens, dr.ir. Annemarie Wagemakers and dr. Jeanne de Vries, her PhD research focuses on improving the diet quality of pregnant women for a healthy and successful start of life. In this project, the intervention Power 4 a Healthy Pregnancy is developed, implemented and evaluated jointly with all stakeholders, i.e. midwives, dieticians, health professionals and pregnant and lactating women and their partners. The intervention includes a special focus on the empowerment of pregnant.

Research interests:

  • Women's health
  • Empowerment
  • Health inequalities
  • Menstruation stigma
  • Sexual health and education
  • Health promotion
  • Qualitative and quantitative research