R (Raimon) Ripoll Bosch PhD
Universitair docentRaimon Ripoll Bosch is a researcher at the Animal Production Systems group at Wageningen University since February 2014. He holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering; an MSc in Agrifood Production Systems; and a PhD in sustainability analysis of livestock farming systems.
His current research is centred on sustainability analysis of livestock production systems, including the social, economic and environmental dimensions. He applies a range of methods (sustainability frameworks, simulation and optimization models, statistical models, life cycle assessment, experimental trials or participatory approaches) to explore synergy and trade-offs among the multi-dimensional impacts of interventions in livestock systems across the globe. He especially focuses on understanding the interconnections between the food provisioning role of livestock systems, and other, non-food provisioning services of livestock systems, such as preservation and enhancement of biodiversity, conservation of cultural landscapes and/or prevention of forest fires. Aside from the delivery of public goods by livestock, other research topics of interest include: global change and agriculture; dynamics and resilience of livestock farming systems; climate change mitigation and adaptation; and (natural) resources management in agroecosystems.
Currently, Raimon is involved in the MAGIC project, funded by the H2020 EU Research and Innovation programme. The aim of MAGIC project is to systematically explore the complex relationships between food security, land use, water management, energy dependency and climate change. This implies integrating into the analysis social challenges and stakeholders perceptions related to the land-water-food-energy-climate nexus.