KC (Kimo) van Dijk MSc
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Kimo van Dijk works at the team of Sustainable Soil Management at Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR), part of Wageningen University & Research. His work is focused on the recovery and reuse of nutrients and the production and application of (tailor made) biobased fertilisers from different organic waste and residual flows, including manure, digestate, wastewater, urine, biowaste, etc. Among others, present projects are:
- Public Private Collaboration (PPS) project Kringloopsluiting van Nutrienten uit Afvalwater en Proceswater (KNAP) (in English: Closing nutrient cycles from waste water and process water
- EU project FERTIMANURE: Innovative nutrient recovery from secondary sources – Production of high-added value FERTIlisers from animal MANURE - https://www.fertimanure.eu
Additionally Kimo is the programme secretary for the programme MMIP A1 "Reducing fossil nutrients and emissions to soils, water and air" of the Topsector Agri-food Mission "Circular Agriculture": https://kia-landbouwwatervoedsel.nl/kringlooplandbouw
Before, Kimo worked for the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP, www.phosphorusplatform.eu), a platform organisation working on nutrient stewardship in the value chain by bringing together different stakeholders including governments, research institutes, industry, non-governmental organisations and farmers. Additionally, he participates in the Dutch Nutrient Platform and other nutrient networks. In the past, Kimo did research on nutrient management and phosphorus security at Wageningen University. He analysed the phosphorus flows in the European food system (EU-27) at the country level, developed dynamic nutrient flow models, and simulated potential future phosphorus use by scenario analyses. His work also included scientific studies for the Dutch government about the options for sustainable nutrient use in the Dutch, West-European and European society. Additionally, he was involved in analysing phosphorus flows and future nutrient management options at the local level in the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Wageningen.