dr.ir. C (Kees) Lokhorst
Senior Onderzoeker Smart Farming en RoboticaVolg mij op:
Kees Lokhorst (PhD) is senior scientist and specialized in Smart Farming and Robotics. Recently he joined the Wageningen Livestock Research team on Emissions and Manure Valorisation. There he contributes to the knowldegge development that is needed to make use of sensor, data and knowledge technology to manage emissions on barn and farm level. This contributes to new policies to reduce emissions from livestcok farms.
Precision Livestock and Smart Farming within Wageningen Livestock Research was coordinated and stimulated for long time by Dr. ir. Kees Lokhorst. He was involved in several national and international research projects (e.g. WASP, BioBusiness, EU-PLF, IoF2020, ERANET ICT Agri, 4D4F, EIP focus group on mainstreaming precision agriculture, Smart Dairy Farming) concerning transition processes in (animal) farming systems. His research is always focused on the possibilities of ICT and sensor information to support farmers in their daily management. Developing, testing, implementation and socio-economic consequences of knowledge intensive systems was studied in various application areas and farming systems. He has experience in managing projects and groups and has worked in several sectors. He actively contributed to the organization of national and international conferences. From 2014 till 2019 he was also professor Herd Management and Smart Dairy farming at Van Hall Larenstein university for applied science and he wrote the book ‘An Introduction to Smart Dairy Farming (https://doi.org/10.31715/20181).
From 2019 onwards he also is stimulating the uptake of ROBOTICS in the Wageningen Livestock environment. He coordinated the EU project agROBOfood that build a pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs. www.agrobofood.eu and he was one of the founding partners of the agrifoodTEF project that works on Testing and Experimenting Facilities for AI and Robotic solutions in the agricultural domain www.agrifoodtef.eu.
Member of the Wageningen Agro Food Robotics group