dr. F (Fanrong) Meng
Externe medewerker, Informatie-/CollectiespecialistVolg mij op:
I am Fanrong Meng, a library information specialist working at Wageningen University and Research (WUR). I was born in 1992, Heilongjiang province, Northwest China. I completed my Bachelor (Chemistry, 2009-2013) and Master (Soil Chemistry, 2013-2016) in China. In December 2016, I came to Netherlands to start my PhD programme (January 2017 – October 2021). My PhD thesis: From plastic mulching to microplastic pollution: An effect assessment of microplastics in the soil-plant system, under the supervision of Prof. Violette Geissen.
After my PhD, I pursued my scientific career as a post-doc researcher (January 2022 – October 2023), and involved in two EU projects, SPRINT and MINAGRIS. In these projects, I conducted several experiments related to ecotoxicological risks of pesticides and microplastics on soil invertebrates, mainly earthworms, and report the results in different international conferences (SETAC 2023 Ireland, microplastic 2022 in Ascona). Besides the research work, I also played a supporting role in the group, I am the editor of our research group's social media accounts. Gradually, I realize that my passion towards the function of supporting.
In October 2023, I decided to start a new chapter of my life. I stopped my post-doc and started working as a Scientific Information Specialist at Library of Wageningen University and Research, under the supervision of dr. Ellen Fest. In my role, I am focusing on the bibliometrics analysis of scholarly outputs, helping researchers to develop publishing strategies to complete their tenure track. I have a lot of interests in Open Access publication and Bibliometrics Information. I hope to continuously explore this field.