dr.ir. AM (Anne) van Doorn
projectleider en programmacoordinator Biodiversiteit in de landbouwVolg mij op:
Anne van Doorn graduated with a M.Sc. in Ecosystem Biology from Wageningen University and obtained a Ph.D. in landscape ecology at the University of Évora, Portugal. She is specialized in land use dynamics, agri-environmental issues and land policies in different types of agricultural systems, from Mediterranean agro-silvo pastoral systems to the intensive agriculture in the Netherlands. Currently Anne van Doorn works as researcher and project leader at Alterra, Wageningen UR, on projects concerning rural dynamics and agri-environmental policies. Her work focuses on EU agricultural and environmental policies (Common Agricultural Policy, Natura 2000, High Nature Value farmland), especially on the implementation of greening and agri-environment measures, monitoring and evaluation, the operationalization of ecosystem services into agri-environment policies.As a specialist on agri-environmental issues, Anne van Doorn has contributed to the debate on the greening of the CAP in the Netherlands through several reports and articles.