The internet of dairy farming
Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) is key to satisfy the increasing world-wide demand for good quality animal products in combination with responsible farming.
Reducing environmental impact, diminishing resource use and increasing animal welfare while at the same time intensifying productivity is the imminent challenge faced by the dairy sector. Since the abandoning of the milk quota in 2015, milk has been subject to heavy price fluctuations. In order to remain competitive on the world market, the European dairy sector needs to further improve its production processes by also using IoT technology. The dairy trial addresses this challenge by combining real-time sensor data gathered from cows wearing neck collars with GPS location data, machine learning technologies and cloud-based services to support the farmer in his management in order to create more value in the dairy chain.
Focusing on the feeding and reproduction of cows through early warning systems and quality data that can be used for the remote calibration and validation of sensors, will enable a more efficient use of resources and the continued production of high quality milk, in combination with improved animal health, welfare and environmental sustainability. The use-cases will utilize the platform 365Farmnet to enable the seamless exchange of IoT data and services.