Experimental fields / Machine park
Experimental fields
Unifarm manages some 240 ha experimental sites on clay, sand (including organic) and peat located in and around Wageningen. These experimental sites can be used for field vegetable production, arable farming and grassland. Most fields can be irrigated.
A tunnel hall (Willem Genettunnel) is available for irrigation research.
It is possible to create initial situations on sand as well as on clay that suit a wide range of research requirements. This makes it possible to study variations in soil type, preceding crop, moisture, and fertilisation.
Machine park
For conducting field experiments Unifarm has available modern and specific:
- machinery for field experiments
- various RTK-GPS controlled tractors
- Haldrup seed-drill plot machine, controlled by GPS module
- Haldrup grass harvester
- Haldrup combine harvester
- automatic soil sampling equipment
- Jako trials slurry applicator
- normal farm machinery
- irrigation equipment
Specific machinery for organic cultivation is available on ‘Droevendaal’:
- weeding bed with 8 beds for mechanical weed control
- hoeing equipment for row or ridge cultivation
- weeding harrow
- haulm/weed burner
- ecoplough, 15-18 cm deep
Unifarm uses agro software of ISAGRI for registration of all necessary cultivation data.