Education by Biometris
Biometris provides education in applied mathematics and statistics within Wageningen University & Research. Biometris occupies a unique position within the university since quantitative methods are important for almost all Wageningen University study programmes. It is the largest supplier of education, and no other group is involved in so many of these programmes.
Focus on practical applicability
While theoretical knowledge of quantitative methods is highly relevant for students in Wageningen, practical applicability within the student’s field of study is of greater importance. Our study material contains information on applications from many fields, putting much emphasis on the connection between quantitative methods and applications.
BSc and MSc Courses
You can find all the Bachelor and Master courses given by the Mathematical and Statistical Methods Group below.
BSc and MSc Theses
Biometris is the perfect group for you to do your BSc/MSc thesis and sharpen your skills in data analysis and data modelling in the broadest sense. These skills will critically contribute to your future success, whether in academia or in business.
Post Academic & In-house Company Courses
Biometris offers courses on statistics and mathematics, both in Dutch and English. These courses are also given in-house for companies and can be modified accordingly.