Publicaties van het Laboratorium voor Entomologie
Onderzoekers van het Laboratorium voor Entomologie publiceren regelmatige in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften, vakbladen en andere uitgaven.
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Latest peer reviewed publications
Herstel kwaliteit van natte heide in het zandlandschap
Landschap : tijdschrift voor landschapsecologie en milieukunde (2016), Volume: 33, Issue: 2 - ISSN 0169-6300 - p. 110-115. -
Enhancing dissemination of Beauveria bassiana with host plant base incision trapfor the management of the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus
African Journal of Agricultural Research (2015), Volume: 10, Issue: 41 - ISSN 1991-637X - p. 3878-3884. -
Insects in the human food chain: global status and opportunities
Food Chain (2014), Volume: 4, Issue: 2 - ISSN 2046-1887 - p. 103-118. -
Effect of age, female mating status and density on the banana weevil response to aggregation pheromone
African Crop Science Journal (2011), Volume: 19, Issue: 2 - ISSN 1021-9730 - p. 105-116. -
Biological parameters and thermal requirements of the parasitoid Praon volucre (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) as host
Biocontrol Science and Technology (2011), Volume: 21, Issue: 4 - ISSN 0958-3157 - p. 497-507. -
Effect of mulching on banana weevil movement relative to pheromone traps
African Crop Science Journal (2008), Volume: 16, Issue: 1 - ISSN 1021-9730 - p. 59-66. -
Effects of aggregation pheromone on individual behaviour and food web interactions: a field study on Drosophila
Ecological Entomology (2006), Volume: 31, Issue: 3 - ISSN 0307-6946 - p. 216-226. -
Lessons from an experiential learning process: the case of cowpea farmer field schools in Ghana
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (2006), Volume: 12, Issue: 4 - ISSN 1389-224X - p. 249-271. -
AFLP markers for the R-gene in the flea beetle, Phyllotreta nemorum, conferring resistance to defenses in Barbarea vulgaris
Journal of Insect Science (2005), Volume: 5 - ISSN 1536-2442 - p. 38-38. -
Guidelines on information requirements for import and release of invertebrate biological control agents in European countries
Biocontrol News and Information (2005), Volume: 26, Issue: 4 - ISSN 0143-1404 - p. 115N-123N.