
Within-field soybean yield prediction: integrating crop growth modelling, remote sensing and machine learning

Promovendus DV (Deborah) Gaso Melgar
Promotor L (Lammert) Kooistra
Copromotor dr. AJW (Allard) de Wit
Organisatie Wageningen University, Laboratorium voor Geo-informatiekunde en Remote Sensing

di 29 oktober 2024 10:30 tot 12:00

Locatie Omnia, gebouwnummer 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0)317 - 484 500
Zaal/kamer Auditorium

Samenvatting (Engelstalig)

This thesis presents methods for predicting and explaining within-field variability in soybean yield using process-based crop growth models, machine learning methods, and openly available remote sensing imagery. This thesis assessed the soybean cropping system from different regions of the main agricultural areas. The methods used capitalize on the broad availability of satellite data to compensate for the lack of input data required to operate crop growth models. This thesis further investigates the advantage of leveraging the strengths of the physical models and machine learning algorithms by combining both methods. The methods evaluated in this thesis contribute to the development of decision-making tools towards sustainable crop management practices. It provides insights into cropping systems (spatial variability of biophysical variables such as biomass, crop evapotranspiration and yield) that may provide the foundation for developing objective metrics to quantify the environmental impact of agriculture systems.