Scientific Committee on Nutrient Management Policy
The Scientific Committee on Nutrient Management Policy (CDM) was established to advise and give recommendations to the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture on issues dealing with the manure and ammonia policies.
The topics include:
- application standards for nitrogen and phosphorus,
- fertilizer recommendations for nitrogen,
- nitrogen and phosphorus excretion by livestock,
- gaseous losses from housing and manure storage,
- method to calculate ammonia emission from agriculture in the Netherlands,
- agricultural and environmental assessment of products to be used as fertilizer,
- assessment of products to be used for co-digestion,
- scientific underpinning of derogation request for Nitrates Directive,
- scientific review of reports and rearch
The advices and reports are public.
Dr.ir. G.L. Velthof
Wageningen University & Research
Nutrient management
Prof.dr.ir. E. Meers
University Ghent
Environmental technology and Resource use
Prof.dr.ir. M.K. van Ittersum
Wageningen University
Plant Production Systems
Dr.ir. J. Dijkstra
Wageningen University
Animal nutrition
Prof.dr. H.A.C. Runhaar
Wageningen University and University Utrecht
Governance of agrobiodiversity
Prof.dr.ir. A.G.J.M. Oude Lansink
Wageningen University
Business Economics
Dr. M.A. Wiering
Radboud University Nijmegen
Policy transformations for a sustainable society
Dr.ir. C.G. Kocks
AERES University of Applied Science
Smart Farming
ir. EMPM (Erwin) van Boekel
Wageningen University & Research
Dr.ir. H. van Grinsven
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL)