
SG - Mourning the Climate

Human induced climate change and loss of biodiversity are already happening, and there is a lot more to come. We are losing the planet as we know it, and many people mourn this present and future loss.

Organisator Studium Generale

di 28 november 2023 20:00

Locatie Impulse, gebouwnummer 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 48 28 28

About Mourning the Climate

Tonight we focus on this mourning process, under the guidance of counselor Maarten Hoogslag. How can we stay focused at the practical level, and at the same time deal with the sometimes overwhelming thoughts, feelings and emotions that can be induced by this great transition? In this interactive meeting Maarten will present insights concerning the mourning process, and provide a safe space to reflect upon them.

About the series Coping with Climate Change

The constant stream of bad news concerning human induced climate change, environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity has become a given. But people can react very differently to this news. We can ridicule it, ignore it, get depressed by it, radicalise because of it. This series explores those different reactions and their possible consequences.

About Maarten Hoogslag

Maarten Hoogslag

Maarten Hoogslag has been a counselor since1996. Being confronted by Paul Gilding’s 2012 book ‘The Great Transition’ he became inspired to focus more and more on the wellbeing of this planet and the living beings on it.

He followed a training in the processing of mourning and loss, and specialised in the ways people mourn the (anticipated) consequences of climate change and loss of biodiversity. He works, among others, as a coach at