
Layers of green: Communicating sustainability of packaged food products

Promovendus M (Milica) Mladenovic MSc
Promotor JCM (Hans) van Trijp
Copromotor dr. B (Betina) Piqueras Fiszman
Organisatie Wageningen University, Leerstoelgroep Marktkunde en consumentengedrag

vr 14 maart 2025 15:30 tot 17:00

Locatie Omnia, gebouwnummer 105
Hoge Steeg 2
6708 PH Wageningen
+31 (0)317 - 484 500
Zaal/kamer Auditorium

Samenvatting (Engelstalig)

This PhD investigates consumer responses to sustainable food products that incorporate multiple sustainability aspects. Specifically, it examines the trade-offs between communications practicing full disclosure (“more is merrier”) and selective disclosure (“less is more”) of the incorporated sustainability improvements. Findings highlight that communication effectiveness depends on three key factors: centrality, credibility, and salience of the sustainability aspects. Selective disclosure fosters consumer learning, is percieved as credible, and is effective for intention formation. In contrast, full disclosure drives consumer choice by constructing a holistic sustainability narrative and can sometimes be used to circumvent negative consumer responses due to communications lacking in credibility. The research reconciles conflicting theories, concluding that the communication approach should align with its primary goal—whether to foster learning, enhance credibility, or influence consumer choice.