WDCC News Q2: Data Science Research
Data Driven & High Tech and Wageningen Modelling Group
WDCC organized together with KB-38 (Data Driven & High Tech) the yearly Demonstrator Market at GAIA. This time we had 16 demonstrators present. Including the Wageningen Modelling Group that showed the Model Gallery and the Wiki for Good Modelling Practice. Wander Lab showed some great innovative ways of visualizing data. And the Digital Future Farm, one of the flagships of the Digital Twin investment theme showed their great progress.

Digital Twins
This year is the last year of the investment theme Digital Twins. The three flagships and the two platforms are working towards celebrating their results of years of research. The impressive results will be shared during the Digital Twin conference ‘Bringing Digital Twins to life’ on December 13 and 14. So make a reservation in your agenda to visit this exciting conference!
Data-Driven Discoveries in a Changing Climate
The new three-year investment theme Data-Driven Discoveries in a Changing Climate (D3-C2) has started its activities. A kick-off and matchmaking event was organized on March 30, attracting about 50 enthusiastic participants who matched climate adaptation problems and data-driven solutions, and co-shaped proposal ideas.
After an open call process, 17 projects have been selected for funding this year, aiming to further strengthen the WUR climate adaptation solutions portfolio, and DS/AI expertise in the organization. A great mixture of joint endeavours spanning across science groups, WU/WR aim to address challenges related to improving our understanding of climate change impacts, and designing climate adaptation solutions with data science methods.
On June 9th a Finding Answers Together (FAT) session was held, dedicated on the three new investment themes. In a dedicated breakout session for the D3-C2 we discussed how to further increase awareness of the new investment theme and bring more attention to climate adaptation research with data-driven methods.