About the Data portal
At the Data portal, Wageningen University & Research exposes its data, data collections and data applications. In the portal you find a (dynamic) selection of nine of most important or actual data.
Every three months this selection will change, so please watch this page. This selection is not all that WUR has to offer with respect to data. We continuously work on the growth of the data portal.
Are you interested in more data which were created by WUR researchers?
Through the search box on the home page of the portal you can have a look in the total collection. In this collection there is data of different kinds: from a small data file which just supports the findings in a publication, to more elaborate data sets and data applications.
It is possible to search by keyword (or year, or author). In the list with results you can seek for more information by clicking on the dataset. WUR data are usually archived at larger (inter)national data archives like 4TU.ResearchData, DANS, NCBI. Whether or not you may actually access a data set we cannot tell you beforehand. It is the data author (creator) or the data archive which handles the access to the datafile.
Are you a WUR researcher and do you have research data which cannot yet be found in the data portal or search? Please contact us, so that we can make this work.