Frequently Asked Questions

With a community of users, facilitators and ambassadors, Wageningen Dialogues provides inspiration and support to enhance dialogue. Only through connections we can truly contribute to complex transitions. We offer our community an exciting network, learning platform, and interesting courses.

Principles of dialogue

Can I use dialogue for…?

Use the Dialogue Navigator Tool to explore if a dialogue-based approach is appropriate for your specific project, process, or issue. This decision-tree can help you to assess the situation and determine your next steps.

I am doubting between a dialogue or a debate. What should I do?

Even though they are often used interchangeably, dialogue and debate are truly different forms of conversations. On page 17-18 of the Dialogue Navigator, we explain the difference and give you more insight in the value of these different conversation types.

Can I also include dialogue in a conference I’m organising?

Of course! Dialogues can take multiple days, but dialogue can also be stimulate through a simple exercise during a conference. It’s very important to have a clear goal in mind, though. If it is your goal to connect people, create a shared understanding, navigate their difference, evaluate or converge for joint action, dialogic methods can be very valuable. Some of the simple tools in the Dialogue Navigator or several Liberating Structures can be of use here.

Organise a dialogue

Can you organise a dialogue for me?

Wageningen Dialogues organises an inspiring dialogue programme to contribute to the major societal transitions, but mainly aims to enable you to incorporate dialogue in your way of working. We therefore do not organise dialogues upon request, but we do offer facilitation support when you want to integrate dialogue in your research, education or communication strategy.

Should I take certain principles or guidelines into account when organising a dialogue?

Certain working principles underpin effective interactions among scientists and between scientists and societal stakeholders. We call these principles our building blocks. Adhering to these building blocks is relevant for all those organising, facilitating, and participating in dialogue. The bigger the differences in backgrounds, knowledge, viewpoints and stakes, the more important these principles become. You can find these building blocks on page 31-36 of the Dialogue Navigator.

I want to organise a dialogue, what support can you offer?

  • By joining the Dialogue Community, you can develop and improve your dialogue knowledge and skills. These sessions make you more comfortable to make use of the potential of dialogue, let you experience the power of dialogue, and offer a space to inspire others.
  • The Dialogue Design Guide helps you step-by-step to make your dialogue flourish. By following these steps, you have your project plan ready to realize a dialogue – which can range from a one-off event to a series of dialogues.
  • Our facilitators pool can function as a sparring partner to explore the use and strengthen the quality of dialogue. Contact us if you are looking for support or if you are interested in becoming a dialogue facilitator.

Can you moderate the event or dialogue I’m organising?

WUR’s Moderators Pool consists of colleagues with the necessary skills and affinity for hosting conferences, dialogues, and other interactive events. They contribute to making WUR events more engaging, reflective, interdisciplinary and professional. The moderators can function as a sparring partner to design professional programmes and can be hired to chair events, improving the quality and image of important gatherings. Contact us if you are looking for an event moderator for your dialogue or conference – or if you are interested in becoming an event moderator.