Nutrition and Disease
The Nutrition and Disease Group focuses on cardiometabolic diseases, cancer, gastro-intestinal diseases and obesity. Our societal mission is to decrease the risk of (chronic) disease and improve the health of those with a disease through better nutrition. Our scientific mission is to conduct interdisciplinary human observational and experimental research on nutrition in disease aetiology, during treatment and for prognosis.
Chair holder
Marianne Geleijnse of the Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands has won an American Heart Association 2025 Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award.
Voedsel eten om kanker tegen te gaan: '1 glas melk per dag helpt'
Kankerdeskundige: ‘Terwijl iedereen doordrongen is van het risico van roken, ligt dat bij bier heel anders’
Research lines
We contribute to several bachelor and master programmes.
Our publications
Lifestyle behaviour change and cancer-related fatigue among colorectal cancer survivors
Wageningen University. Promotor(en): E. Kampman, co-promotor(en): R.M. Winkels, L.H.H. Winkens - Wageningen: Wageningen University -
Coffee consumption and mortality in colorectal cancer patients : Does the co-existence of cardiometabolic disease matter?
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN (2025), Volume: 67 - ISSN 2405-4577 - p. 62-70.