FIT2D study: The effects of muscle disuse on muscle health in individuals with T2D
Everyone experiences periods when movement is difficult or impossible, whether due to hospitalization, a broken arm or leg, or conditions like a diabetic foot. During such times, muscles are temporarily used less. While this provides rest for the body, it also negatively impacts the muscles, causing them to shrink, weaken, and become less sensitive to insulin—the hormone that regulates blood sugar. For individuals without diabetes, it's well established that inactivity harms muscle health and blood sugar regulation. But what about people with type 2 diabetes?
Project description
We will compare two groups: people with type 2 diabetes and those without diabetes. All participants will have their forearm immobilized in a cast for two days. This prevents any muscle movement in the forearm, allowing us to measure the effects of complete inactivity, such as measuring how the forearm muscle absorbs sugars.
Who are we looking for?
- Men and women aged 18–65
- With or without type 2 diabetes. If you have type 2 diabetes, you will only be included if you are managing it through lifestyle changes and/or using metformin.
- BMI between 18.5–30
What's in it for you?
- You will support important research that can improve our understanding of muscle inactivity in both individuals with and without type 2 diabetes.
- You will receive €250 compensation for completing the entire study, plus reimbursement for travel expenses if applicable.
Who can participate?
You are not eligible to participate in the study if any of the following criteria apply to you:
- Type 1 or a genetic form of diabetes
- Any diagnosed cardiovascular (heart) disease or high blood pressure (≥140 mmHg systolic and/or ≥90 mmHg diastolic)
- Chronic use of any prescribed or over-the-counter pharmaceuticals (excluding oral contraceptives and contraceptive devices)
- Do not consume three regular meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and/or follow a lowcarbohydrate diet
- Smoking or chewing tobacco
- Known anaemia
- Regular use of dietary protein and/or amino acid supplements (>3 times per week)
- Currently involved in a structured progressive resistance training program (>3 times per week)
- A personal or family history of thrombosis (clots), epilepsy, seizures, or schizophrenia
- Any previous motor disorders or disorders in muscle and/or lipid metabolism
- History of kidney disease
- History of liver disease
- Pregnant or breastfeeding
- History of any drug or alcohol abuse in the past two years
- Any musculoskeletal injury of the arms in the 12 months before starting the study
- Claustrophobia
- Unable to give consent
What does the study involve?
You will visit the university a total of 5 times. The visits include:
- A consent visit
- A preliminary assessment
- Three consecutive test days, during which you will wear a cast on your forearm for 2.5 days
How to participate
Would you like to contribute to this important scientific research? Check if you fit the participant profile and read the information brochure. If you’re interested, you can email gul.turan@wur.nl or contact us at +31 317-484 136.
Do you know anyone with type 2 diabetes who might be interested?
Feel free to inform them about this study.