Socio-hydrological perspectives on drought: Cycles, narratives and prospects in semi-arid Brazil
The increase in frequency and severity of drought impacts, associated with the perspective of increased human pressure on water resources, calls for the development of new methodologies that can contribute to better management of drought. In a world highly modified by anthropogenic actions, it is illogical not to consider the central role of people in the study of droughts. This is why the main objective of this thesis is to increase understanding of the human influence on the emergence and propagation of drought events. Through this thesis, new socio-hydrological drought assessment methods and concepts have been presented, with the drought-prone region of semi-arid Brazil as the study area. This research has shown that droughts are complex phenomena arising from interactions between human behavior and the environment. From an individual standpoint, human actions significantly influence drought onset, driven by personal choices aimed at improving livelihoods. The findings of this thesis are in line with other studies that reinforce the inadequacy of traditional drought assessment and monitoring methods in the face of complex contemporary demands on water resources.