S (Sven) Stremke S (Sven) Stremke

Persoonlijk Hoogleraar

Sven Stremke is Personal Professor Landscape Architecture at Wageningen University. From 2017 until 2022, he was Professor at the Amsterdam University of the Arts. His research focuses on decarbonization with special attention to post-carbon landscape design.

Sven's research is published in 30+ scientific papers and 10+ book chapters. In 2022, Sven together with Dirk Oudes and Paolo Picchi published the Power of Landscape book (nai010 Rotterdam). In 2012, Sven and Andy van den Dobbelsteen edited the book Sustainable Energy Landscapes: Designing, Planning and Development published by CRC/Taylor & Francis group.

Over the past years, Sven has had the opportunity to present and discuss his research in the Netherlands, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States.

In 2019, with support of the ESG directors, Sven and his WEnR colleague Jeroen Sluijsmans launched the Solar Research Program: A One Wageningen initiative to consolidate and boost research on solar energy at Wageningen UR.

In 2017, Sven initiated the WUR Energy Alliance: A One Wageningen platform for more than 50 researchers/teachers from all WUR departments working on energy transition.

From 2014 until 2022, Sven served as Principal Investigator for the Amsterdam institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS institute, part-time).

In 2012, Sven Stremke and Renée de Waal launched the NRGlab, a laboratory devoted to research on energy transition and design of sustainable energy landscapes. Sven conducts research across spatial scales in the Netherlands (e.g. Energietuinen NL and GAZO projects) and abroad (e.g. Belgium, France, Italy and the United States).

Before joining Wageningen University, Sven worked as a landscape architect in the United States, Germany, The Netherlands and Spain. Having the chance to conduct his doctoral research, Sven started working for Wageningen University and joined the WIMEK research school in the summer of 2006. In October 2010, Sven defended his PhD thesis entitled ‘Designing Sustainable Energy Landscapes: Concepts, Principles and Procedures’. The thesis presents science-based design concepts (substantive knowledge) and means to advance design processes (procedural knowledge) for transformative landscape challlenges.