PJ (Paul) van den Brink
HoogleraarPaul J. Van den Brink is a full, personal professor at the Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group of Wageningen University. At Wageningen University, Paul chairs the chemical stress ecology group, which consists of 14 PhD students and himself. He is involved in supervising and executing international projects on assessing the ecological effects of contaminants like pesticides, veterinary medicines and personal and home care products as well as those of multiple stressors, including climate change, drought, nutrients and salinization. Other research topics are the development of effect models (e.g. individual-based, meta-population models and ecoinformatics, expert-based models), trait-based Ecological Risk Assessment (TERA) and ecological risk assessment of chemicals in the tropics. Since 1995, Paul van den Brink has published over 300 ISI-listed papers (h-index = 67; SCOPUS), for three of which he won an international prize. He also co-edited five books. Paul currently coordinates the EU funded Innovative Training Network ECORISK2050 which studies the effects of global change on the emission, fate, effects and risks of chemicals in aquatic ecosystems. In 2006 Paul won the LRI-SETAC Innovative Science Award of € 100.000 and the SETAC Capacity Building Award in 2023. He also organized and took part in many international workshops and courses. He is also a past-president of SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry; World and Europe and a SETAC Fellow.