
Broedsucces van kustbroedvogels in de Waddenzee : Resultaten 2015-2016 en trends in broedsucces in 2005-2016

Koffijberg, K.; Cremer, J.S.M.; de Boer, P.; Nienhuis, J.; Schekkerman, H.; Oosterbeek, K.; Postma, J.


Data have been collected on the breeding success of several characteristic coastal breeding birds in the Wadden Sea each year since 2005. Ten birds species considered representative of specific habitats and food groups are being monitored. The monitoring scheme on breeding success in coastal breeding birds is run as an ‘early warning system’ to follow the reproductive capacity of the bird populations in the Wadden Sea and understand the processes underlying fluctuations in populations. It is a valuable addition to the monitoring of population numbers and is carried out under a trilateral agreement with Germany and Denmark (TMAP). The results from 2015–2016 and an analysis of data series from the period 2005–2016 (sometimes longer) show that several species on average reared too few young to sustain stable population size in many of these years, especially the Eurasian Oystercatcher, Pied Avocet, Common Tern and Arctic Tern, and in recent years also the Black-headed Gull, whose breeding success has significantly declined since 1995. Other species showing a significant decline in breeding success are the Spoonbill and Common Tern. The only species to show any significant improvement in breeding success since 2005 is the Lesser Black-backed Gull