
Natuurinclusief loont : Een verkenning van de (on)mogelijkheden om met doelsturing op basis van KPI’s 50 procent natuurinclusief landbouwareaal in Nederland te realiseren

Nieuwenhuizen, Wim; Walther, Charlotte; Kuindersma, Wiebren; Berkhof, Mirre


Performance management is seen as a way to put farmers back in the driver’s seat and reward them for their performance. At the same time, nature-inclusiveness is seen as a way to achieve goals regarding nature, nitrogen, climate and water. That is why we describe the conditions required to scale up nature- inclusive agriculture level 2 in the Netherlands via light, medium or heavy performance management. We conclude that the possibilities are limited, because in the short/medium term not all conditions can be met to successfully implement such a policy approach.