
Effecten op emissies bij verplaatsing Nederlandse landbouwproductie

Lesschen, Jan Peter; Koops, Olaf; Berkhout, Petra; Jongeneel, Roel; Verhoog, David; Vellinga, Theun; Bogaart, Patrick; Geertjes, Kathleen


The objective of this report is to provide insight into the current emissions related to the most important agricultural export products in the Netherlands and how the emissions would develop if Dutch production were to be moved abroad. In total, 41% of the total export value of agricultural products is directly related to primary Dutch agriculture (42 billion euros). For pork, poultry meat and eggs, greenhouse gas emissions per kg of product are lower than the weighted average of the other EU countries. For dairy, beef and potatoes, emissions per kg of product are higher than the EU average. Mainly due to higher emissions from peat soils and related to soy imports. For NH3 and NOx, the emissions per kg of product in the Netherlands are on average lower than the average of the other EU countries, only for potatoes they are slightly higher. The calculations show the possible effect of relocating production on emissions. However, it remains uncertain what would actually happen, as there is a large variability among Member States due to differences in production efficiency, soils and climate, housing systems and application of measures.