
Greenhouse data experiment drip irrigation 2016

Wipfler, E.L.; Beltman, W.H.J.; Boesten, J.J.T.I.; Hoogsteen, M.J.J.; van der Linden, A.M.A.; va Os, E.A.; van der Staaij, M.; Swinkels, G.L.A.M.


The 'Greenhouse data experiment drip irrigation 2016' file contains data gathered during the experiment as described in Wipfler et al. (2020), Testing of the Greenhouse Emission Model for application of plant protection products via drip irrigation. WENR report 3004. Climate parameters were collected from the Lets Grow database, these parameters include water supply, drain water flow, external rainwater intake, radiation outside (W/m2), realized temperature and relative humidity in greenhouse compartment.