
Toekomstverwachtingen en landschappelijke kenmerken als onderlegger voor een regionale visie : onderliggende analyseresultaten voor de toekomstvisie Groene Metropoolregio 2120

Voskamp, Ilse; Timmermans, Wim; Woolderink, Hessel; van Klaveren, Sverre; Verstand, Daan


This report describes the results of the analyses underlying the vision “Green Metropolitan Region 2120”: a spatial vision for the future Green Metropolitan Region Arnhem-Nijmegen that is based on the carrying capacity and characteristics of the natural system. The literature study describes future developments for the themes climate change, river regime, nature, agriculture, housing, mobility, energy and economy. A landscape analysis has provided insight into the characteristics of the soil and water system in the region. The results of this analysis have been bundled in a map describing the main landscape types in the region. The map is accompanied by a SWOT analysis that summarizes the most important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the soil and water system of the various landscape types.