
The application of systematic steps for interventions towards meat-reduced diets

Onwezen, M.C.


Background: Protein transition, i.e. the transition from high levels of traditional meat consumption towards consuming less meat or more plant-based or alternative animal-based proteins, is highly dependent on consumer behaviour. This position paper adds to the literature by integrating the research streams on behavioural sciences and meat reducing strategies, thereby contributing to the use of behavioural science insights in developing meat reducing interventions towards a more plant-based food transition. Scope and approach: Meat-reducing strategies involve substituting meat with novel proteins, consumption of less meat or consuming meat less often, and becoming a vegetarian or vegan. Based on previous literature four systematic steps for effective interventions towards behaviour change are described in view of the current literature in the specific context of meat reduction. Finally, emergent strands of future research are identified. Key findings and conclusions: The four described steps compromise: (a) identifying the problem and desired behaviour change, (b) examining the main drivers of behaviour change, (c) select fitting interventions, and (d) impact assessment. Based on the meat-reducing literature the key strands for future interventions in the context of protein transition are identified. Moreover, literature gaps are defined. Resulting in an overview of systematic steps for interventions to support behaviour change in the protein transition.