
Extended lactations in dairy cows and the effects on fertility and production

van Knegsel, A.T.M.; Burgers, E.E.A.; Edvardsson Rasmussen, Anna


Extending lactation length reduces the frequency of critical calving events for the cow and herewith reduces the frequency of periods with increased risk for health problems. Moreover, breeding is postponed until a moment later in lactation, which is associated with better conception rates and less days open after start of the breeding period in most studies. Potential risks of an extended lactation are that milk yield of cows at the end of the lactation may be too low which may lead to cows being overconditioned at the end of the extended lactation. Therefore, extending lactation length might not fit every cow. Individual cow characteristics like parity, milk yield level, or body condition determine the response of the cow to an extended lactation. These individual cow characteristics can be used in customized management strategies to optimize lactation length for individual cows. Customized lactation length for individual cows could limit the impact at herd level of disadvantages concerning milk losses and overconditioning and maintain benefits for improved cow health and fertility, reduced number of surplus calves and increased work satisfaction for the farmer. In conclusion, extending lactation length has interesting perspectives for health and fertility of high-producing dairy cows, although questions remain concerning management approaches to support lactation persistency of cows with an extended lactation, and consequences for calf health and development. Moreover, ongoing studies aim to develop decision support tools to select individual cows for a specific lactation length.