dataset FEM growth and yield database

FEM growth and yield database

Growth and Yield data from permanent plots in even-aged plantations

Publication date: December 2020

How to use?


The FEM growth and yield database is a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species, with only a few plots, even-aged mixed species forest plots, uneven-aged natural forest, uneven-aged selection forest and roadside plantations of poplar.  

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FEM’s Growth and Production Research started in 1923 and stopped in 2000. The aim of the research was to be able to predict the stand development of different tree species, using so-called “Yield tables”.

Some of the data, which was recorded on paper, was lost due to multiple moves. Fortunately, the data of a few species (Douglas fir, poplar and pedunculate oak) had already been partially digitized. Nowadays the 31 datasets are available on Research@WUR.

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