TEDxSalon “AI – Love it or hate it”
Artificial intelligence: Love it or hate it, it’s here today. In this TEDxSalon we engage in a lively dialogue to explore different perspectives on the use of AI within our academic setting. ChatGPT looks good when you want some quick information or write a whole report. And Copilot can help you when you want to make a cool image for your presentation. But what about copyrights and artistic integrity, falsifying identification? Developers who build this from the background, claim it is helping us move further and faster in driving new innovations.
Crossing boundaries in the Information Age
But what is the purpose of waking up every morning if AI can do everything for you? Is it the beginning of a new world or the end of the human race? We are in need of legislations to help us properly navigate these new unexplored waters safely, but how do we navigate while rules are still under development? At this TEDxSalon, we provide an unbiased platform to explore and critically reflect on your ideas.
As a catalyst for thought and conversation, we watch a TED-Talk together then discuss, facilitate and foster an active and critical discussion around a pre-selected topic. This collaborative and thought-provoking atmosphere is the essence of TEDxSalons.
Join our discussions to discover the different perspectives the students have here in Wageningen.
Snacks and drinks will be provided at the event. Registration is appreciated but not mandatory.
About TEDx Salons
TEDx Salons are short events, typically around 1.5 hours, designed for a small, diverse group of people. The focus is on active discussion around a pre-selected topic. As a catalyst for thought and conversation, a TED Talk is first watched together. The discussion that follows is designed to foster an exchange of ideas and expose everyone to a variety of opinions and perspectives. This collaborative and thought-provoking atmosphere is the essence of TEDx Salons.
The event is organised in collaboration with Wageningen Dialogues, which aims to defuse heated social debates and bring together different stakeholders for joint action.
Seats for these thought-provoking discussions are limited. So sign up now! Speaking language is English.