Contact form: book a room in Omnia Fill in the form to request a booking. You will receive a confirmation on your email address, but the booking will be separately confirmed. Name* Email* Phone* Date* Expected begin and end time* Is the desired date within 7 days?* Yes No Programme Add a timetable of the event by checking the boxes and adding a time. There is space for comments at the bottom of the form. Walk-in Time walk-in* Plenary Time plenary* Break Break Time break* Plenary Time plenary* Lunch Time lunch* Plenary Time plenary* Break Time break* Plenary Time plenary* Drink Time drink* Completion and departure Time completion and departure* Room arrangement* U-shape (12 pax) Theater setup (30 pax) Large Cabaret setup (23 pax) Block (8 pax) Other Other namely:* Catering requirements - see also banqueting map Walk-in Catering walk-in wishes Break Catering break wishes Lunch Catering lunch wishes Break Catering break wishes Drink Catering drink wishes Dinner Catering dinner wishes Allergies or dietary requirements: What kind of event or gathering is it? (symposium, training, farewell, workshop etc.)* How many participants do you expect? * Is the event in person/online/hybrid or an combination thereof?* Do you want to organise and information market and/or do you want to place more than 10 stands or poster presentations?* Will there be drinks or a meal?* Yes No Remarks or questions Your Data Input 5 Privacy* I agree with the use of my personal data for the purpose detailed above. The privacy statement of WUR applies to this use of your personal data. Read the privacy statement Linkedin Whatsapp Twitter Email