WDCC News Q2: Investment program (WU + WR) Data Science/AI
Highlights Data Science/AI professors
Anna Fensel, Ioannis Athanasiadis, and Ricardo Torres are involved in many internally and externally well-connected projects and proposals in the area of Data Science and AI. As a next step, we work on aligning and further developing the various ideas and opportunities into a common vision.
Part time positions
WDCC with Wageningen Graduate Schools prepare an inventory of opportunities to find a limited number of common funded PhD and postdoc positions. In this manner, we wish to strengthen our scientific ambitions in DSAI with domain oriented challenges. Very recently we decided to try to combine these internal investments with the external opportunity provided by NWO/AINed for a talent program. For this purpose, currently, we are exploring.
Fellowship program
This is the final year of funding for the fellowship program. In May, we have recorded short videos with the fellows about their projects and the fellowship programme. In these videos, the fellows presented themselves, their projects and DS/AI relevant research there. The videos will follow soon. Stay tuned!
Research engineers
It’s also the final year of funding for the research engineers. We have established now two lines of work both in high demand with researchers: one is the development and implementation of advanced data management software. This enables automated handling and support for sharing of small and large quantities of data. The other is facilitating access to user friendly tools in Data Science and AI. Both by hands on support and by introductory workshops. We are now working with the Dean of Research and the departments of information technology and information management to continue this development.
New setup: mostly because the initiatives of the investment program DS/AI have largely settled, we will change this part of the WDCC Update. From the next edition onwards we will focus more on projects and content, than on progress of the program. Stay tuned!