WDCC News Q2: Data Science Infrastructure
A well-received meetup was held on May 12th on the topic of sharing data for AI. with over 30 attendees, there were interesting talks and discussions on various topics related to FAIR data sharing in the context of AI.
WDCC has contributed as FAIR data partner in multiple workshops for the ERRAZE project. In the ERRAZE@WUR research and investment framework, researchers from various disciplines work together to help build the scientific foundation needed to prevent future pandemics and to limit their impact. WDCC assists ERRAZE in establishing FAIR data practices and infrastructure.
WDCC Infrastructure and Value Creation are teaming up with Shared Research Facilities (SRF) to improve the data and business readiness of newly submitted proposals for scientific infrastructure. WDCC is now part of the evaluating committee for all proposals submitted to SRF; in this way we aim to guide investments into scientific infrastructures that are ready for the data driven future.