Student testimonial

Student Bertrand – MSc International Development Studies

Bertrand developed an interest in studying development during his HBO bachelor’s in European Studies. He now divides his time between Wageningen and The Hague, where he continues to work as a project coordinator.

For me, studying international development is a way of staying true to my passion for diplomacy and politics.

Own interests and personal growth

“I love the study program of MID a lot. The specialization in ‘Politics and Governance of Development’ allows me to understand development and pursue my passion for politics. I really enjoyed the course ‘Law and Political Power’ and ‘Politics, Policy Making and Accountability in International Arenas for Development’, where I gained insights into decision-making processes in development and issues of accountability, jurisdiction, and legitimacy. Besides, I really liked the elective course ‘Global Migration’, which delved into the dynamics of migration: why people decide to move and the challenges they face.

Since the start of this program, I have experienced personal growth. Prior to starting MID, I worked in a job developing strategies (policies) to facilitate the integration of newcomers in a new country. While doing this, I never thought to ask refugees how they would prefer a project to be implemented, such as those focused on learning a language or getting a job. This is something I hadn’t considered before: to approach the people concerned and ask what they need to make a policy or project better fit their needs. However, now I believe this should be the norm and the least we can do.”

Student and teacher interaction

“The teachers here at MID are very approachable and encourage students to engage with them. If for any reason you encounter obstacles, they are understanding and try to help you overcome them. I don’t feel that there is a big barrier between students and teachers. Once, when I struggled with course material, I reached out to a professor via email, and he suggested a call to discuss the material further.”

“Besides, teachers are really throwing the ball at students by raising different questions and issues. They put students in the spotlight to navigate the issues themselves, even though they already know ways to tackle them. I love this part. I also love that their lectures highlight various local and global perspectives, not just Western perspectives.”

Bertrand’s life lesson as a student

“No matter where you live, Groningen or Maastricht, South Africa or Alaska, if the master you want to study is in Wageningen, I would advise to go for it. Education and knowledge aren’t limited by distance. At least for me, travelling back and forth to the Hague is definitely worth it.”

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