Student testimonial
Remy Richie: "I had the unique opportunity to study soils that were amended in 2011"
During my master thesis I looked into the long-term effect of olivine weathering on a peat soil under the supervision of Mathilde Hagens and Emily te Pas.
I had the unique opportunity to study soils that were amended in 2011
I had the unique opportunity to study soils that were amended in 2011 and use the same soils in 2022-2023. On the picture you can see me sample the soil with a pf ring to determine the soil density. I used these soils to do a pot experiment in the greenhouse, and examined the soils after the pot experiment in the lab. This thesis project was useful to experience what it is like to do research independently while still being supervised, as you also have to write your own proposal in the beginning and finalize the project with your thesis.