Erna Balk, Director of Communications, TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI)
The TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative is an NGO housed in the BioScience Centre. "The accessibility and pleasant working environment were the decisive factors for choosing this location.”
The accessibility and pleasant working environment were the decisive factors for choosing this location.

The TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) coordinates international research for new tuberculosis (TB) vaccines. These vaccines are urgently needed to tackle TB, a disease that claims the lives of one and a half million people every year. TBVI raises funds, facilitates project management and communications and provides scientific support to researchers developing these vaccines.
Erna Balk, Director of Communications at TBVI: “We relocated to the BioScience Centre in Lelystad in 2009. TBVI was established from within Wageningen UR. When we had to move, we discovered that the BioScience Centre was an ideal location. It was near our original location, is accessible and has excellent facilities. Thanks to a good train connection, Schiphol Airport is close at hand which is very important for an international NGO like ours. We can quickly catch a plane or international train to where we need to be. Moreover, there is plenty of available parking space around the BioScience Centre and it is a peaceful place to work.”
The TBVI employees use the common facilities at the complex. These include meeting rooms, colour copier and scanner, kitchenette and postal services. Erna Balk: “This way we can get straight to work and concentrate on our company’s core business.”