Student testimonial
Because I already had quite some knowledge in epidemiology and nutrition, I could easily join the master's courses
Nutrition & Health student, specialisation Epidemiology and Public health
Previous education: University College Venlo (Maastricht University)
Previous education
Before I started my master at WUR, I did the Bachelor Liberal Arts & Science at University College Venlo. This UC has a focus on health, nutrition & logistics. During my bachelor I started to focus more and more on epidemiology and public health within nutrition. As my bachelor's degree came to an end, I started to orientate myself in Wageningen in order to continue my studies within my interests. Here I came across the Nutrition & Health master's degree, where I could focus even more on epidemiology and public health. It felt like a very logical choice and it seemed to be a perfect fit for what I had done during my bachelor's programme.
In my experience, the transition to the WUR was smooth. Because I already had quite some knowledge in epidemiology and nutrition, I could easily join the master classes. In certain periods I could also choose other subjects because I had already had the same kind of subjects. I also noticed that in certain respects my freedom of choice was a bit more limited than at the UCV. But in the end this is also necessary, because you still want to focus on a discipline. I didn't have to adjust much to the way of working and the pace of work at the WUR. The WUR feels a little less small-scale than how it was at the UCV, but on the other hand I find the atmosphere very pleasant to study in.
At the moment I am working on my thesis in which I will investigate the association between protein intake and fertility in women. After that I want to do an internship within a public health project in the Netherlands or abroad. After the master I want to continue within research or within a health organization such as the GGD.