Alumnus testimonial
Amy – Project officer marketing and communication at Bionext
‘’I really enjoyed being able to choose my own path during my studies. My advice would be: go for courses you find interesting and enjoyable.’’
Amy is a former Dutch student and studied a master’s in Communication, Health and Life Sciences at the Wageningen University & Research. Today she’s a ‘project officer’ for the marketing and communication team at Bionext. A company that’s committed to more organic agriculture and food in the Netherlands.
You know the communication process, but you also learn about the subjects you will be dealing with
Could you tell us more about your work experience after your master’s?
"During my studies in Wageningen, I learned more about sustainability, something I didn't know much about beforehand but which did interest me. That's why I got into it. For instance, I focused my life science courses on sustainable urban development and versions of alternative agriculture. The more I learned, the more I could envision solutions to social issues in these techniques and ways of thinking. It was therefore logical for me to start a professional role in sustainability after my studies. That's how I landed at Bionext.’’
What is your current job? Is this what you always wanted to do?
"At Bionext, we work together with the entire organic chain: farmers, processors and retailers. This ensures that there are many different interests at play within the organisation, which I find very interesting. On the different projects we look at the biological food chain from different angles. This means that no project is the same. For example, I worked on a brochure with available disease-resistant plant varieties. I am also working on the communication surrounding a project on natural resources in organic livestock farming. In addition to the various projects, I am also responsible for Bionext's communication. In this role, I stay informed of social media and create the monthly newsletter. I'm never bored with so many different tasks.’’
How did studying at Wageningen University & Research prepare you for your career?
"Both during my Bachelor's and Master’s, I learned to work with different people to find solutions, especially when it comes to social issues. The basic knowledge you acquire in your life science courses helps students tackle problems quickly and understand stakeholders in such situations. This is very nice for employees as well; you know the communication process, but you also learn about the subjects you will be dealing with. I really enjoyed being able to choose my own path during my studies. My advice would be: go for courses you find interesting and enjoyable. But, who knows, you may also find your ideal field by chance.’’